supratrochlear artery

Be careful of these 5 main arteries when injecting filler

In this post, we will talk about the 5 main facial arteries that are not noticed when injecting fillers. These 5 main arteries can cause many complications after filler injection, so it is better to pay attention to them.

Blockage of any of these arteries can cause ptosis, and side effects after the injection. Choosing a skilled doctor can prevent side effects.

5 dangerous facial arteries

Here are 5 dangerous facial arteries:

  • supratrochlear artery
  • dorsal nasal artery
  • facial artery
  • superior a labial artery
  • interior mental artery

supratrochlear artery

The supra trochlear artery supplies the upper eyelid, the periosteum, as well as the forehead muscles and adjacent skin.

supratrochlear artery
supratrochlear artery

This artery should be avoided when injecting filler into the eyebrows and forehead, as it can cause side effects.

dorsal nasal artery

The lateral nasal branch of facial artery (lateral nasal artery) is derived from the facial artery as that vessel ascends along the side of the nose.

dorsal nasal filler
dorsal nasal filler

This artery should be taken care of when injecting a nasal filler. If this artery becomes blocked, it can cause ptosis in the nose and can have serious complications.

facial artery

The facial artery is a branch of the external carotid artery that supplies the anatomic structures of the superficial face. The facial artery arises from the carotid triangle which is formed by the superior belly of the omohyoid muscle, the sternocleidomastoid, and the posterior belly of the digastric.

facial artery
facial artery

This artery should be considered in the injection of lip filler, nasal filler injection, and blockage of this artery can have side effects after filler injection.

superior and interior labial artery

The superior labial artery (superior labial branch of facial artery) is larger and more egregious than the inferior labial artery. It follows a similar course along the edge of the upper lip, lying between the mucous membrane and the orbicularis oris, and anastomoses with the artery of the opposite side.

superior and interior labial artery
superior and interior labial artery

This artery is very sensitive and important when injecting fillers into the lips. If your doctor is not experienced enough, it may cause side effects after injecting fillers into the lips.

interior mental artery

The mental artery is a terminal branch of the inferior alveolar artery which itself is a branch of the first part of the maxillary artery. It emerges onto the face from the mandibular canal with the mental nerve at the mental foramen, and supplies muscles and skin in the chin region.

interior mental artery
interior mental artery

Care must be taken to inject the chin and jaw filler. Insertion of the needle into these arteries can cause side effects after the injection.

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