Endolift For Face Lifting In Dubai

endolift in dubai

Endolift in Dubai and other cities and countries is a popular method for face lift, endolift basically tightens the skin and stimulates collagen production under the skin.
In this post, we want to fully explore endolift, so stay tuned for the rest of this post.

Doing endolift not only is painless, but also gives you immediate results and also has a very short recovery period.
Endolift is popular because it does not bleed, it does not hurt, it has a short recovery period, and the results are immediate.
If you are looking for a simple and great way to lift your face, Endolift can be one of your options.

Table of Contents

    Benefits of Endolift in dubai

    Endolift in dubai is one of the simple and popular methods for face lift and skin rejuvenation.

    • Skin rejuvenation
    • Stimulates collagen production
    • Tighten the skin
    • No bleeding
    • painless
    • Short recovery period
    • Immediate result
    Benefits of Endolift
    Benefits of Endolift

    As you know, Dr. Abbas Ashrafzadeh in Dubai can do endolift for you, for reservations or consultation you can contact us through the contact form on the site.

    Endolift steps

    Endolift, like other methods, has its own steps, from preparing the patient to the end of the process.
    In the following, we will review these steps together.

    Prepare the laser location

    In this step, we will mark the desired areas for the laser with lines, these lines allow us to determine the exact location of the laser.
    These lines are drawn based on experience and face standards and cause the line percentage to be drastically reduced.

    Laser anesthesia

    Before the laser enters the skin, we anesthetize the area with anesthetic creams so that the patient does not experience pain during the procedure.
    If the patient feels pain during the laser, we can give him local anesthesia so that he does not notice the pain.

    Hold the laser entry point and insert the laser

    First we pinch the entrance of the laser with our fingers and with a laser shot, we insert the laser into the skin, because we have anesthetized the entrance, you will not feel any pain.
    The entry of the laser into the skin means the beginning of the lifting process and tightening of the skin, and by burning fat under the skin, it also stimulates collagen production.

    Endolift is used for which parts of the face?

    Endolift is used for most parts of the face, the following is a list of areas where endolift is used.

    • High eyelid
    • Lower eyelid
    • Puffiness under the eyelids
    • Jaw line
    • Face contouring
    • hiccups
    Endolift is used for which parts of the face
    Endolift is used for which parts of the face

    Of course, there are other points that can be used with endolift by a doctor, but it must first be examined by a specialist so as not to endanger your risk.

    The best Doctor for Endolift in Dubai

    In Dubai, there are many endolift clinics, but to get the best results, you need a doctor who specializes in this field. Dr. Abbas Ashrafzadeh has a private board from the United States and has been doing facial rejuvenation for several years.
    You can contact us for advice or to book an appointment.

    A specialist doctor can reduce the risk of side effects and help you achieve the best results.

    To get the best results from Endolift in Dubai, we suggest you choose a specialist doctor.

    Is Endolift good for facial rejuvenation?

    Yes, one of the uses of endolift is to stimulate collagen production under the skin, which can help rejuvenate.
    Another benefit of endolift is that it tightens the skin, which makes your skin look firmer and firmer, and this will make your skin look younger.


    Does endolift hurt?

    No, with the local anesthetics we use, you will not have any pain during the laser.

    How much does Endolift cost in Dubai?

    The exact cost can not be said, because it depends on the number of sessions and the type of treatment. You can book an appointment for a consultation

    Is endolift better or silhouette?

    Each has its own advantages and the laser has faster results and a shorter recovery period

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