Crow paw lines treatment in dubai

Crow paw lines treatment in dubai

best method for Crow paw lines treatment in dubai – Crow paw lines are part of the skin aging process. With age and changes in the structure of the skin and increasing the frequency of movements around the eyes.

as well as exposure to direct sunlight without the use of sunscreen and proper coverage, lines are created between the outer corner of the eye and the migraine, which are called paw lines. Or it is called a crow’s foot around the eye.

It may have happened to you many times that you have seen not so old people with obvious and very deep lines. If you ask these people about their lifestyle, work and profession, they often say that they are exposed to the sun for a long time, due to working conditions or any other reason.

People who are engaged in jobs such as agriculture, driving, etc., and have to be exposed to direct sunlight for many hours;

Crow paw lines treatment in dubai

Crow paw lines treatment in dubai

To choose the right treatment for crow’s feet lines, it is necessary to diagnose the type of these lines. Crow paw lines around the eyes are of two types, which are:

Lines that can only be seen when the muscles around the eyes move, such as when we laugh or cry and …
Lines that are visible even without the movement of the muscles of the face and around the eyes.
Botox injections are the best way to treat lines that can only be seen if the muscles around the eyes are moving.

some Crow paw lines treatment in dubai are :

Botox injection of crow’s feet lines

Botox injection of crows lines in dubai

The crow’s feet creases are lines formed by the contraction of the annular muscle around the eye or the ocular erbicularis muscle. Paralyzing compounds (Botox) by paralyzing the muscles of the outer corner of the eye, relieve spasm in that area and prevent muscle contraction.

It also reduces the depth of crow’s feet folds and raises the outer part of the eyebrows.

The duration of Botox injections in this method is between 4 to 6 months, which depends on the number of injections (the more injections, the longer the duration of Botox), the care after Botox injections and your body system changes.

You can look in the mirror and laugh; Also, gather the skin around the eyes, such as when the sun is bothering your eyes, to check if these lines are around your eyes.

If by doing these movements, crow’s foot lines appeared in the corner of your eye; And if the face of these lines is not immobile, you can treat these lines well only by injecting Botox.

crow’s feet lines filler injection

crows feet lines filler injection
crows feet lines filler injection

In addition to the brilliant results of increasing the volume and shaping of the filler injection, this method is a non-surgical process; There are many uses for skin rejuvenation. By injecting the filler, it is possible to get rid of many lines and wrinkles of the skin that cause aging in the audience.
Regarding the crow’s feet lines next to the eyes, it should be said: If these lines are deep and can be seen in the immobile state of the face, only by injecting fillers can they be removed immediately.
Of course, other skin rejuvenation methods, such as some lasers, can also eliminate these lines over time; But gel injections are a method that fills the crow’s feet lines in a short time and usually in one session, leaving the skin in this area smooth and wrinkle-free.

The shelf life of the injection of Paklaghi lines is between 9 to 18 months, which depends on many things, such as the type of gel, the doctor’s technique in the injection, the care after the gel injection, and so on.

The cost of Crow paw lines treatment in dubai

The cost of treatment of crows feet lines in Dubai
The cost of treatment of crows feet lines in Dubai

The cost of treating crow’s feet depends on what method is used. Botox injections are usually a more cost-effective method; And gel injections are more expensive than laser methods.
Liposuction can also be used to treat crow’s feet in cases where other areas of the skin need to be injected; This method also has its own costs according to its steps.
Another important point in the cost of crow leg gel injection is the type of filler and its brand. The price of this operation will be estimated according to all the mentioned cases and you will be informed in the consultation session after reviewing all the cases.

Crow paw lines

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