Applications of Temporal Lift with Botox

Temple lift Botox in Dubai 2022

Temple lift Botox in Dubai, also known as Temporal Lift, is a simple, non-invasive plastic surgery. In the practice of lifting the temples, the skin and underlying layers of the temporal skin are usually stretched to eliminate wrinkles and crow’s feet lines. In addition to removing drooping corners of the eyes and eyebrows, this method can also have a positive effect on cheek tissues.

With age, facial skin loses its firmness and may experience sagging skin on the eyelids and around the eyes. This affects the beauty of the eyes and face. In many cases, to remove this sagging, the temporal lift is used to pull the skin around the eyes and temples slightly upwards and increase the beauty of the eyes and face.

Applications of Temporal Lift with Botox

Temple lift Botox in Dubai
Temple lift Botox in Dubai

Temple lift botox in Dubai is one of the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedures that is used to remove drooping eyelids, puffiness under the eyes and other cases:

  • Eliminate wrinkles around the eyes and crow’s feet lines
  • Elimination of drooping eyelids
  • Eliminate puffiness under the eyes
  • Eliminate drooping corners of the eyes
  • Eyebrow shaping

How to inject Botox for temple lift

temporal botox dubai
temporal botox dubai

First, in the temple lift counseling session, the amount of Botox injected and the person’s condition are checked and the best conditions are offered to the applicant. The amount of botulinum (Botox) is then injected into the target areas in a predetermined manner.

Injection into the areas around the eyebrows, causing loosening and no contraction around the eyebrows. The muscle above the eye area and under the eyebrows is pulled upwards when Botox is injected.

Pre-care Before Temple lift Botox in Dubai

Pre-temple care with Botox
Pre-temple care with Botox
  • Tell your doctor if you are allergic to Botox.
  • Avoid makeup.
  • Avoid aspirin and profen.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Avoid waxing, tanning the skin at the injection

Temple care after Botox

Temple care after Botox
Temple lift Botox in Dubai
  • Avoid sleeping or lying down for up to 4 hours.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for up to a week.
  • Avoid restraints, peels and cosmetic procedures.
  • Use sunscreen when leaving the house.
  • Do not massage or touch the injection site.volume_upcontent_copyshare

Contraindications to Botox

  • pregnancy period
  • Infection at the injection site
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Neuromuscular disorders
  • Eaton Lambert Syndrome
  • People taking antibiotics such as gentamicin, streptomycin and kanamycin.
  • People taking di-penicillamine, which is used in rheumatoid arthritis.
  • People treated with cyclosporine.
  • People taking the anti-malarial drug chlorcholine.
  • Breastfeeding mothers

Durability of the temple lift with Botox

Durability of the temple lift with Botox
Durability of the temple lift with Botox

The longevity of the temple is not permanent like other Botox injections and after a while it disappears and needs to be renewed. The shelf life of this injection is between 3 to 6 months, and after this period, the person needs to do the injection again to maintain the temple lift.

Cost of Botox Temple injection in Dubai

The cost of Botox injections into temples in Dubai depends on a number of factors, including the choice of doctor and the choice of clinic. Some clinics charge more for Botox because of the high facilities they have.
Other factors that are very effective in injecting Botox into the temples and the resulting costs; We can mention the type of Botox performed as well as the amount of Botox injected.
These two points can change the cost of Botox injections. Another thing to note is what brand of brand is chosen for injection.

Dr Abbas Ashrafzadeh injects Botox into your temples at the best cost. If you want to consult a doctor, you can contact him through his Instagram page.

Complications of temple lift with Botox

Complications of temple lift with Botox
Complications of temple lift with Botox

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and there is a possibility of complications after Botox injection. The most common side effects that may occur after Botox injections into these areas are:

  • Difficulty closing eyes
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Anesthesia around the eyes
  • Swelling and bruising
  • Temporary muscle weakness

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