One of the important characteristics of a young and balanced face is the strength and prominence of the cheek. In people whose middle part of the face is sunken, in addition to looking older, the coordination between the nose, eyes and face is disturbed, so that the nose looks bigger and the eyes are sunken. The aging process in most cases continues gradually; But species decline occurs very suddenly in many people. In response to stress, trauma, or unstable diets, people can suddenly lose up to 35% of their mid-face volume within a year. With the treatment of cheek depressions, the face becomes more harmonious, younger and more beautiful, and the person feels more confident. Physicians’ approach to increasing the size of the cheek and treating its depression includes various methods that are introduced below.

Suitable candidate for the treatment of cheek depressions

  • If you have flat or small volumes.
  • If your cheeks are not prominent.
  • If you have a depression in your cheeks or temples.
  • If you have puffiness under the eyes or lines and wrinkles on your cheeks.
  • If you have flat or small volumes.
  • If your cheeks are not prominent.
  • If you have a depression in your cheeks or temples.
  • If you have puffiness under the eyes or lines and wrinkles on your cheeks.

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Methods of treating cheek depressions

1 – filler injection

There are also commercial injectable gels that safely and safely highlight various areas of the face.

By filler injection, your doctor can immediately restore the lost volume of the cheeks. Depending on the type of gel used and the injection site, the effect of these gels lasts from a few months to a year or more. Hyaluronic acid-type and collagen-stimulating gels can treat cheek depressions and give them a more prominent appearance without surgery, just as fat injections do for the face.

2 – Fat Injection

During this procedure, some fat is carefully removed from a part of your body and after processing and filtering, it is injected into the areas that are experiencing volume reduction. This minimally invasive procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The effects of fat injection have a long shelf life and last for many years.

3 – Face lift with thread

Thread face lift is a simple, non-invasive alternative to the usual face lift. During this procedure, small incisions are made in the skin and special threads are inserted into it. These threads are stretched, thus tightening the skin and the underlying tissues, and smoothing the appearance of the face, which takes only a few hours and is done without anesthesia.

4 – PRP

Facial PRP injection is a 3-step procedure that begins with gel injection to condition the face. The doctor collects blood taken from the patient’s body and separates the platelets from the other components of the blood using a centrifuge. This helps release growth factors and leads to the formation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This rich plasma is then injected into the areas of the face that need to be lifted, and by stimulating collagen and removing sagging skin, it makes the face more prominent and treats facial and cheek slimming.

5 – Surgical prosthesis placement

The cheek prosthesis is made directly on the cheekbone by making small incisions in the mouth and placing an implant. Implants that can be used in cheek prostheses vary in size and shape depending on the analysis of the cheek structure. In particular, they implant cheeks and chin. Permanent prosthesis is pleasing to many people.

6 – botox injection

Botox injection is not a surgical procedure. The side effects of Botox are minor and very rare. This injection is very convenient and can be done in a short time. In fact, botulinum toxin is injected in small doses through a fine needle into the muscles around the area to control the nerves and reduce muscle contractions. In addition to eliminating skin wrinkles, this treatment will help to strengthen the skin and restore its elasticity, and also plays an important role in rejuvenating the face and filling the cheeks.

Complications of treatment of cheek depressions

Methods such as Botox and fat or filler usually have very few side effects; But in prosthetic or implant sorting; Complications of surgery are not unexpected. Asymmetric protrusions on the cheeks, bruising and swelling around the cheek area, the possibility of infection around the cheek, the possibility of damage to the arteries and nerves of the cheek, the body’s reaction to a foreign body and the movement of the prosthesis in the cheek area are some of the complications. If done with experience, the possibility of these complications is very low.

Cost of treatment of cheek depressions

Factors influencing the cost of species. Due to the fact that the treatment of cheek depression has different methods, so the cost of injection without surgery is cheaper than surgery. Factors such as geographical location, area of the doctor’s clinic, method of treatment, doctor’s salary, existence of preoperative tests, operating room facilities, type of prosthesis and injection, etc. All of them are influential in determining the price.

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