best facelift specialist in dubai + The best face lift method

best facelift specialist in dubai + The best face lift method

The best face lift specialist in Dubai, this is one of the questions that has occupied the minds of many audiences.
Choosing a facelift specialist in Dubai can help you get the best feedback from your facelift.
In the following, we will examine the methods used for face lift by Dr. Abbas Ashrafzadeh, a face lift specialist.

Face lift without surgery

Non-surgical face lift is more in demand than plastic surgery face lift.
The reason for the popularity of non-surgical face lift in Dubai is that there are various methods for rejuvenating and lifting facial skin, such as endolift, Botox, filler, microneedling.
In the following, we will deal with each of these methods and introduce them to you. Stay tuned to Dr. Abbas Ashrafzadeh’s website until the end of this article.

Important note : Choosing a doctor who specializes in facelift in Dubai will ensure that you get the best feedback with the least complications.

Non-surgical face lift procedures

As mentioned earlier, there are various methods for facelift without surgery, some of which are:

  • endolift
  • microneedling
  • filler or botox

1 – endolift laser in dubai

Laser endolift is one of the new and popular methods for face lift, which has recently found a lot of fans in Dubai.
This treatment is subcutaneous and leaves no trace of the laser entering your skin.
This method has many strengths and it should be noted that endolift has better results than face lift with surgery.
You can read the benefits of the endolift method.

1 – does not leave any marks on the face (because it is done under the skin)

2 – Endolift laser has a very high safety

3- Has a short recovery period (maximum 3 days)

4 – Use local anesthesia instead of anesthesia injection

5 – The cost of endolift compared to face lift surgery is cheaper and has a better result

6 – Endolift can be done by almost anyone, even people with underlying diseases such as diabetes

7 – Endolift can be done simultaneously with other treatments such as filler injection

8 – Used for eyelid surgery.

Laser endolift allows you to do your daily tasks such as exercise and make-up immediately after the laser.
This treatment is done using an endolift laser device and stimulates collagen production in your skin and can make your facial skin firmer and younger.

endolift laser in dubai
endolift laser in dubai

How is endolift done?

In the endolift method, we first specify the lines in which we are going to perform the endolift on your face.
Then we use lidocaine anesthetic cream to numb your face.
Then we insert the laser into your skin and start treatment and rejuvenation.
In most patients, anesthesia is performed locally and the patient does not feel any pain during the endolift.
After finishing work, you can easily get to your daily tasks and there will be no problems.
The endolift recovery period is very short (finally 3 days).
One of the strengths of this method is that even people with underlying diseases can do endolift.

2 – microneedling in dubai

Microneedling is done using a special microneedling device. This device has very fine needles that make holes in the skin after being placed on it.
These holes provide space for the introduction of therapeutic drugs.

These drugs, the dose and type of which are determined according to the patient’s condition and the type of skin damage, enter the layers of the skin through the holes created and start the process of repairing and regenerating it by stimulating skin cells.
The drugs used in this method usually contain vitamin C and hyaluronic acid.

Substances that help stimulate skin cells and accelerate the process of collagen production and skin regeneration.

microneedling in dubai
microneedling in dubai

How is microneedling done?

Microneedling can be done manually and with a machine. Manual method This method is done using a small roller-like device called a dermaroller that has very fine and fine titanium needles on it.
In this method, the doctor rolls the device on the skin and the needles penetrate to a certain depth of the skin and create pores.
In this method, the possibility of controlling the penetration depth of the needles and their pressure is very limited. The needles in this device may also be made of glass, silicone, metal or polymer.
Manual microneedling method does not exist in dubai and is not used.

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