PRP Hair treatment in Dubai is one of the most popular methods to combat hair loss and also strengthen hair roots, in the following we will talk about this method in general.

Most people think that hair loss is only related to men and aging, while this condition can happen to anyone and has many different causes. Normally, about 100 hairs are lost daily due to the natural hair growth cycle, but excessive hair loss is usually a concern for people.

In fact, hair loss, which was initially normal for a person, becomes a big problem, and when combing hair and dealing with a large number of lost hair, it will cause him great anxiety. Today, with the increase in knowledge in the field of various causes of hair loss and testing methods to eliminate it in different people, and also due to advances in technology, many treatments to stop hair loss, strengthen hair and increase their growth have increased and the effects and The results are not only obvious in appearance, but also bring you thicker and thicker hair than before.

prp hair treatment in dubai

What is PRP treatment?

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is a natural treatment that uses growth factors and stem cells from your body to grow your hair. This treatment, along with quality medical equipment and trained specialists, provides the best opportunity for your hair to regrow. This operation is an effective way to treat alopecia, which in addition to preserving the hair, will also help to thicken the hair. Using the PRP method after hair transplantation is also effective in stabilizing and regrowing hair.

Benefits of PRP hair treatment in Dubai by Dr. Abbas Ashrafzadeh

The benefits of PRP for hair loss treatment include:
1- Spending a relatively short time, about 60 to 90 minutes to do PRP
2- A simple method without the need for hospitalization and injury
3- Safe and reliable results in the treatment of hair loss and hair strengthening
4- Very fast recovery period

What is the difference between mesotherapy and PRP?

In comparing these two methods, it is important to note that both injections are mentioned earlier. In terms of applications, as mentioned, mesotherapy and PRP have almost the same applications. The main difference between the two methods is the injectable material. In PRP, because the injectable substance is taken from the person’s own body, there is a possibility of complications such as allergies and zero allergies. Both methods can be unpredictable and dangerous if performed by a specialist.

Application of PRP hair treatment in Dubai

PRP is effective in healing wounds, improving the condition and rejuvenating the skin and some other tissues of the body. Hair PRP is also considered as an effective treatment method that intensifies and strengthens the repair process in damaged hair, which in a way stimulates and intensifies the growth and growth of dormant, small and fluffy hair. In addition, hair grown as a result of PRP, grows naturally from the beginning and will not be weak and fluffy.

prp treatment dubai
prp hair loss treatment

Differences between PRF and PRP

Although there are some fundamental similarities between platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF); But there are some differences between the two; Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) should be considered as a superior treatment option to PRP. Apart from preparing PRF from more blood samples than PRP, other differences between the two methods are:

Similarity of PRP with PRF

Both products require a blood sample
To prepare PRF and PRP, the blood sample needs to be placed in a centrifuge
In both cases there is a risk of allergies and blood-borne diseases, such as hepatitis and AIDS, due to the injection of substances from the body.
These two treatments are easy to do and with minimal side effects, without the need for rest after treatment; Are taking place.

What is PRP and how does it work?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is actually a plasma that has a large amount of platelets. In fact, PRP is a platelet that is taken from a person’s own blood and is used for medical purposes. Platelet-enriched plasma is used therapeutically to help repair body tissues, including skin.

As you know, collagen plays an essential role in youth, freshness, proper volume and beauty of the skin. In fact, PRP, with its platelets, fibroblasts, and other stem cells, stimulates collagen production in the skin, which in turn regenerates damaged tissue.

Problems and lesions treatable with PRP?

  • wrinkle
  • skin rash
  • Wounds and acne
  • Grain problems
  • Roughness and rough skin texture

PRP injection steps

First, a small amount of blood is taken from the person with a sampling syringe (this amount depends on where the injection and treatment is to be performed).
The blood taken in a centrifuge (a centrifuge is a device that spins rapidly and separates the components of the blood) is placed in order to separate the components of the blood.
After this stage, the plasma is ready for injection and the dermatologist can inject into the desired tissues.

Complications and disadvantages of

PRP Hair Tretment in dubai

Given that the final result of PRP injection depends on the reaction of cells, so the quality and quantity of it is not predictable. Achieving the final result takes a long time and takes months. In some people, it may be ineffective even with repeated injections. A slight pain is felt during the injection. There is a possibility of damage to the nerves and blood vessels during the injections. Short, superficial redness, swelling, and bruising are short-term side effects after injection.

People are not allowed to inject PRP

Be sure to tell your doctor about any illnesses and medications you are taking before receiving PRP. Many experts believe that the following people should not use PRP treatment for hair loss:

  • People taking blood thinners.
  • Those who smoke heavily.
  • People with a history of drug or alcohol addiction.

Also, if you have the following conditions, this treatment may not be right for you:

  • Cancer
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Chronic skin diseases
  • Low blood platelets
  • Thyroid diseases

PRP applications in skin and hair

PRP has several uses and applications, including:

  • Wrinkles caused by aging on the face and hands
  • Frowning lines and lines of laughter and around the lips
  • Puffiness and dimples around the eyes
  • Boils and dimples caused by chicken pox scars
  • Surgical scars and burns and incisions Heal joints and help repair them
  • Treat baldness or eyebrows, help reduce and stop hair loss and even regrowth
  • Treatment of wrinkles caused by aging
  • Healing old wounds caused by burns, cuts and …
  • Accelerate the healing process of extensive wounds

Benefits of PRP injection

For PRP treatment because the person’s own blood is used and the possibility of complications and transmission of other diseases is minimized.

  • It has a long lasting effect and is less expensive than similar methods (such as surgery).
  • There is no possibility of skin allergies and infections in the PRP method.
  • Due to the special kits, the process will be very simple and completely sterile.
  • It can be used in all areas of the body and there are no restrictions in this regard.
  • This procedure is almost painless and is easily tolerated by the patient.
  • PRP treatment does not require hospitalization or rest.

Recommendations before PRP injection

  • Two days before work, be sure to increase fluid intake, especially water; This is because it is so important in platelet preparation.
  • Note that for at least two weeks before, you should cut down on high fat and caffeinated beverages.
  • People who take certain medications should tell their specialist.
  • If you are taking supplements, stop taking them for two weeks as they may cause bruising while working.

Recommendations after PRP injection

  • On the first day of injection, it is recommended not to touch the injection site or even massage it.
  • Do not be in a polluted environment under any circumstances.
  • Ice packs should not be applied to the injection site.
  • As long as the expert recommends, the head should be higher than the body during sleep.

About Dr Abbas Ashrafzadeh specialist of PRP hair treatment in Dubai

American Board Certified Aesthetic Skin Specialist, BioFibre Hair Implant Specialist and Prp Specialist in Dubai.

His ability in patient care and treatment was awarded by HER HIGHNESS “SHEIKHA MOZA AL MAKTOUM” recently. Board certified in Aesthetic medicine, from AMERICAN ACADEMY OF AESTHETIC MEDICINE 2015.

+971 50 846 1419

Jumeirah Bay X2 – No.1003 , 10th Floor Cluster X – Dubai